Episode #23: Catching Up


The Boys are back again with a NEW episode as they catch up by talking about several topics such as getting old, home depot runs, MTV VMA’s and more. They also fire up the Newsreel and take a small trip to Douchebag Town. Catch up on past episodes on iTunes, Soundcloud, Libsyn, and also now on Stitcher!

Also as you may have heard, we have a new intro sound and theme song. Let us know what you think!

Description of Episode #22

Hey guys, in a rush to get out the episode I didn’t explain it much. As you may have already heard by now it’s a bit of a mishmash of ideas, bits, and deleted scenes, thus the name “Radio A.D.D.” We are still trying to find our voice and format, so please bear with us but enjoy the ride as we build this leap of faith called the Airspeaker Podcast.

If you haven’t caught up yet, check out the “Podcast Episodes” page or find us on iTunes and Soundcloud.

Thansk for listening and reading.

– Ed Gomez