Episode #21: New Adventures in Lo-Fi


In this Episode, Ed and Will return to talk about various topics such as Jem and the Holograms, Tattoos, and they re-visit a previous topic reguarding the Xbox One. They also tackle mannequin sign holders, Furbys, Mixtapes, radio prizes and there is a new Airspeaker Travel Log.

Episode #20: To Keep or Not To Keep


In this Episode, Ed and Will discuss whether or not a fan kept homerun ball was a right or wrong decision. Plus a new feature is introduced, the Airspeaker Travel Logs. Subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud.

Episode #18: Riding Solo


In this episode, Ed rides solo with his portable recorder while on the road. This is a maiden voyage with the recorder so PLEASE excuse the sound issues… some background noises but mostly a lot of “P” popping, so apologies for that. But this is a test, if you all enjoy then there will be more portable recordings. So enjoy this rambling and very RAW episode of the Airspeaker Podcast.